
You are never too young to be an advocate

Be a game changer!

Your voice matters! You can help expand students’ access to personal finance education and a financially successful future. Use our resources here to be an active citizen and work to improve education for yourself and other students. You can write a letter, make a call, visit with policymakers, or advocate in other ways. You can even get your fellow students involved to amplify your message. Your work can be as comprehensive or as small as you are comfortable with. The most important thing is to try! 

Every state is more or less different. To start, find out if the curriculum decisions in your state are made at the state level or at the local level. If it is at the state level, you may connect with your state superintendent or chief state school officer to advocate. If they’re at the local level, try to work with your district superintendent. Also, consider contacting your state treasurer’s office – they often take the lead on financial education and can have an influential voice. State legislators write and vote on state laws. They should be included in any advocacy campaign where they can introduce, support, or oppose the legislation.