Challenge Results

Challenge Results: 2024

Good afternoon from USJIC! We know you are eager for the results of this year's competition. We appreciate your participation and your open mind to the world of investment! The 2023 Challenge started on Monday, Jan 8, 2023, and ended on Friday, Feb 16, 2023. We had participants from 12 states, including Utah, California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and even from Canada!

The winners of the 2024 USJIC are:

1st Place: JiWangInvestments - Eric Jin, Jerry Wang  (California, US)

2nd Place: awmlstocks - Albert Wang, Michael Liu, (California, US)

3rd Place: liufangfei - Reynold Wu, (British Columbia, Canada)

The rewards will be distributed digitally in gift cards.

We would also like to mention a strategy submission that caught our eye! Here is a sample from the strategy:

"My investment strategy focuses on several key indicators that show us whether or not a stock is in an uptrend. I look for stocks that are increasing and have prices greater than their trailing averages by amount. I also look for stocks that will become leaders in their market or sector in the future, which will help us if I will invest in them in the long term."

Thank you to all the participants who joined us on this journey to learn about strategy-building, qualitative and quantitative analysis, teamwork, and more; we appreciate your energy and enthusiasm for this year’s USJIC. We see all your impressive hard work and hope it has helped you to grow.